Alaska Pacific University

Alaska Pacific University is a small, private liberal arts university, known for experiential and project-based learning. The university campus is in Anchorage, Alaska, a diverse city and home to more than 300,000 residents. APU offers a unique set of bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate level degrees, with emphasis on Alaska-critical and globally-relevant issues. APU embraces competency development and cultural relevancy throughout the curriculum, fostering high-level intellectual and practical skills, wide-ranging knowledge of science, cultures, and society, and an active commitment to personal and social responsibility. APU’s campus sits adjacent to the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) on the Alaska Native Health Campus.  APU and ANTHC have formed a strategic partnership, with the aspiration of moving APU towards Tribal University status, growing innovative programs that are responsive to the workforce needs of Alaska, as well as growing Alaskan and Alaska Native professionals from within the state.