American Conservation Experience (ACE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing rewarding environmental service opportunities that harness the idealism and energy of a volunteer labor force to help restore America’s public lands. ACE is grounded in the philosophy that cooperative labor on meaningful conservation projects fosters cross-cultural understanding and operates on the belief that challenging volunteer service unites people of all backgrounds in common cause.

ACE offer's various programs with our main focus on 3 main programs: Conservation Corps, Conservation Volunteers, and Conservation Internships (EPIC).

CONSERVATION INTERNSHIPS - Emerging Professional Internships Corps (EPIC) ACE EPIC Internships and Fellowships program provide recent graduates with focused, hands-on opportunities to work alongside and under the guidance of agency mentors and to apply their knowledge of resource management on actual projects and programs as they develop and emerge as the next generation of resource and land managers. ACE EPIC operates in coalition with partners such as the National Park Service, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and other conservation focused groups to place interns within the operating structure of these organizations. Within the agencies and organizations, interns gain practical experience, implement the principles of managing public lands, and continue learning under the guidance of experienced agency mentors as they develop into the next generation of natural resource managers.

ACE EPIC Internship and Fellowship opportunities typically last 2-12 months, providing extended opportunities for recent graduates to implement the principles and practices of land management and to apply themselves to experiential work within their fields of study. ACE EPIC interns earn a cost of living stipend and are provided with either dormitory housing at their service location or a housing allowance. Internship and Fellowship opportunities with ACE span the spectrum of land management disciplines, including botany, ecology, wildlife and marine biology, archaeology, paleontology, volunteer coordination, outreach and education, wilderness monitoring, recreation resource management, interpretation, ecological restoration, GIS, etc. ACE is a proud partner and supporter of AmeriCorps. Many ACE EPIC Internship and Fellowship positions have an education award opportunity through the AmeriCorps program