SAGE, “Strategic Advancement Goals for the Environment”, provides renewable and sustainable energy resources in balance with Natural Law to recognize the interconnectedness of all living things.

The Standing Rock (“SAGE”) Renewable Energy Power Authority acts as a Public Power Authority (PPA) that will control and operate all the energy production assets within the reservation. SAGE institutionalizes SRST’s involvement in renewable energy projects, facilitates agreements with third-party entities, and holds Standing Rock’s equity interest.


SAGE Core Values:

·      Wisdom Natural Law ― the respect of the balance of all living things

·      Respect Tate Topa (four winds) ― the winds each bring different aspects that give life

·      Caring/Compassion 7 generations/good ancestors mindset ― make sound decisions that will have a positive impact to our relatives in 500 years

·      Fortitude/Bravery Protecting ― local control and ownership respect for SRST law and individual land ownership

·      Generosity To be equitable ― to give a fair return on revenue and fair pricing for energy to our customers

·      Humility Leadership ― be willing to listen, learn and lead to build community

·      Honesty Fiscally responsible ― follow general accounting principals and work within the APPA standards for public power