Arizona State University

Arizona State University is a new model for American higher education, an unprecedented combination of academic excellence, entrepreneurial energy and broad access. This New American University is a single, unified institution comprising four differentiated campuses positively impacting the economic, social, cultural and environmental health of the communities it serves. Its research is inspired by real world application blurring the boundaries that traditionally separate academic disciplines. ASU serves more than 80,000 students in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, the nation's fifth largest city. ASU champions intellectual and cultural diversity, and welcomes students from all fifty states and more than one hundred nations across the globe.

The Design School is the largest and most comprehensive design school in the country. It plays prominent roles in design research, pedagogy and public engagement within the Herberger Institute, the University and the greater Phoenix community. Over the next year the Design School is embarking on an exciting ‘redesign’ process – building the next great American design school at the New American University, a school that is relevant, equitable and collaborative. The strategic planning process will engage the local community, country and world in defining what a design school in the future will look like. This position will join the School on that journey.

Currently, the school has approximately 55 full-time faculty and 1,500 students enrolled in programs in architecture, industrial design, interior design, landscape architecture, urban design and visual communication design. The Design School faculty work on a variety of issues – from addressing the future of the Rio Salado in Metropolitan Phoenix to partnering with Google on increasing human satisfaction to working with communities across the globe to address critical issues of sustainability. In addition, the school’s curricula and research are grounded in its commitment to prepare the next generation of designers to engage in collaborative multi-disciplinary inquiry so that they may work productively within and beyond the boundaries of their respective disciplines.