Humanities Montana

Humanities Montana (HM) seeks an executive director who will advance its mission to serve communities through stories and conversation. HM offers experiences that nurture the imagination and ideas by speaking to Montanans’ diverse history, literature and philosophy.


BACKGROUND: Humanities Montana is Montana’s state humanities council. Established in 1972, we are one of fifty-six councils across the nation that the National Endowment for the Humanities created in order to better infuse the humanities directly and effectively into public life.

Located in Missoula, HM works with non-profit cultural and educational institutions across the state including universities and colleges, public libraries, museums, k-12 schools, and state government agencies. Current Humanities Montana programs include grants for public programs in the humanities (including conferences, exhibits, festivals, oral history, documentary film, radio and television programs, and research), a statewide speakers bureau, a speakers in the schools program, the Montana Center for the Book Prize, a variety of different reading and discussion programs, and the Governor’s Humanities Awards. The organization has received multiple national awards for its programming and grants.