San Francisco, CA, USA
UCSF seeks an outstanding individual to assume the role of Director of the Laboratory for Genomics Research (LGR). The Director will have prime responsibility in organizing and overseeing all research and development efforts in advancing functional genomics technologies within the LGR, with a particular emphasis on the use of CRISPR-Cas based approaches to target discovery and validation within the context of genomic medicine. This will include the development and deployment of cutting edge functional genomic tools including single-cell RNA seq approaches, high content imaging, and robotic-enabled pooled and arrayed screens as well as modeling of disease and other complex biological phenomenon in cellular systems including 2D and 3D cultures. Working with the support of an Alliance Manager, the Director will bear primary responsibility for all aspects of scientific collaboration between the LGR and GSK, as well as the LGR and UCSF and UC Berkeley. The Director will serve on the...